Equipping, Empowering, Releasing


The Rev. Canon Captain Richard W. Mayabi

Executive Director (CEO)

Founder of Missions Anglicanes Afrique (Anglican Missions Africa-AMA). A mission agency whose vision is to Nurture a Healthy and Sustainable Church in Africa and beyond.

Work Experience

  • In 2019 worked as Director in charge of Capacity building and Leadership Development at the Council for Anglican Provinces of Africa (CAPA).
  • 2009-2018 Richard worked as the General Secretary of Church Army Africa.
  • 2004-2008 worked as a pioneer parish priest for both ACK St. Jerome and St. Thomas parishes in All Saints Cathedral Diocese.
  • 1995- 2003 worked as a pioneer missionary and Church planter in Makueni-Machakos Diocese.


Educational Background

  1. Master of Theology (MTH) in Urban World. International Christian College Glasgow—Aberdeen University.
  2. Master of Arts (MA) in Mission studies from Africa International University (AIU) Nairobi.
  3. Post Graduate Diploma (PGD) in Christian Ministries from Africa International University (AIU)) Nairobi.
  4. Higher Diploma (HDP) in Theology Mission deposit from Carlile College Church Army Africa.
  5. Diploma in Theology-Mission deposit from Exeter University UK- Mission Deposit.
  6. Diploma in Discipleship Training School (DTS) from Youth With A Mission (YWAM) University of the Nations.


He is married to The Rev. Captain Patience Wanzala and together they are  blessed with three children.


P.O BOX 12713. 0100 Nairobi, GPO Ngong - Kibiko Booster Road, Kenya.
