Equipping, Empowering, Releasing

Women's Evangelism & Discipleship Program

This program is designed to empower women in their faith journey, leadership skills, and personal development. Here are the key areas of focus:

1. Evangelism & Discipleship: We aim to equip women with the knowledge and tools necessary to share the gospel message and make disciples. Through training sessions, workshops, and mentorship programs, we help women grow in their understanding of scripture and develop effective evangelistic strategies. 

2. Leadership: We believe that women have an essential role to play in church and community leadership. Therefore, this program provides opportunities for women to develop their leadership potential through various trainings and capacity building initiatives. 

3. Child Protection: The safety and wellbeing of children is paramount. As such, we provide education and resources on child protection issues.

4. Gender Based Violence (GBV): Unfortunately, GBV remains prevalent in many African societies. To combat this, our program raises awareness about GBV, its causes, consequences, and prevention mechanisms. 

Join us as we strive to uplift women, promote gender equality, and transform lives through the power of the gospel!

During a Mother's Union Conference at ACK Diocese of Marsabit
During a Women's Conference in Turkana County
During a Mother's Union Conference at ACK Diocese of Marsabit

Women’s Evangelism & Discipleship Model 


P.O BOX 12713. 0100 Nairobi, GPO Ngong - Kibiko Booster Road, Kenya.
