
Over the years, AMA has trained over 15,000 participants comprising of clergy, laity and church workers at grassroot level, with aim of facilitating accelerated church growth.

The training is usually based on our training programs which include;

  • Healthy Church and Capacity building program
  • School Outreach ministry program
  • Urban Orientation program
  • Women evangelism and discipleship program
  • Mega Missions (AMEC) program.

To learn more on this visit our programs section by clicking on the button below.

During a Healthy Church Training in the Democratic Republic of Congo

During a School Outreach Training at All Saints Cathedral Nairobi

During a Mother’s Union Conference in Marsabit 

During an Urban Mission Training in Mombasa


P.O BOX 12713. 0100 Nairobi, GPO Ngong - Kibiko Booster Road, Kenya.
