Very Rev. Canon Dr. Ronald Allen -Member AMA Board Of Directors
The Very Rev. Canon Dr. Ronald D. Allen is the Canon for Global Missions for the Anglican Diocese of the Great Lakes within the Anglican Church of North America. Since the beginning of his ordained ministry in Advent of 1965, Canon Dr. Allen, alongside his wife Carolyn, has been instrumental in over 120 church plants. Notably, he established the Heartland Parish in Fort Wayne, Indiana, in 1985.
Canon Dr. Allen actively contributes to the New Wineskins Global Missions and serves as a consultant to numerous ministries and agencies dedicated to expanding the kingdom of God. In his role on the Board of Directors for Anglican Missions Africa, he acts as an advisor and the Custodian of AMA’s vision.
Anglican Missions Africa expresses deep gratitude for Canon Dr. Allen’s ongoing dedication and support. We continually pray for blessings upon him and his family, hopeful that our partnership will yield abundant fruit and further the Gospel of Evangelism and Church growth across Kenya and the wider African continen.