Equipping, Empowering, Releasing


The Rev. Canon Captain Richard W. Mayabi

Africa Executive Director (CEO)

Founder of Missions Anglicanes Afrique (Anglican Missions Africa-AMA).

A mission agency whose vision is to Nurture a Healthy and Sustainable Church in Africa and beyond.

Director`s Profile

  • In 2019 worked as Director in charge of Capacity building and Leadership Development

         at the Council for Anglican Provinces of Africa (CAPA).

  • 2009-2018 Richard worked as the General Secretary of Church Army Africa.
  • 2004-2008 worked as a pioneer parish priest for both ACK St. Jerome and
    St. Thomas

       parishes in All Saints Cathedral Diocese.

  • 1995- 2003 worked as a pioneer missionary and Church planter in Makueni- Machakos  Diocese.

       The Rev. Canon Captain Richard holds two Masters Degrees and several diplomas:

  • Master of Theology (MTh) in Urban World. International Christian College

         Glasgow—Aberdeen University.

  • Master of Arts (MA) in Mission studies from Africa International
    University (AIU) Nairobi.
  • Post Graduate Diploma (PGD) in Christian Ministries from Africa

         University (AIU)) Nairobi.

  • Higher Diploma (HDP) in Theology Mission deposit from Carlile College
    Church Army Africa.
  • Diploma in Theology-Mission deposit from Exeter University UK- Mission
  • Diploma in Discipleship Training School (DTS) from Youth With A Mission (YWAM) University of the Nations.

        He is married to The Rev. Captain Patience Wanzala with three children


P.O BOX 12713. 0100 Nairobi, GPO Ngong - Kibiko Booster Road, Kenya.
