Equipping, Empowering, Releasing

Our Philosophy and Statement of Faith


It is presupposed that if the Church leadership (The ordained) in Africa re-examines herself- understanding and intentionally invests her resources towards fulfilling God’s mission by training and mentoring local church leadership (The Laity), then it will cause spiritual, socio-economic and political transformation. (Stewardship). The strategy is anchored on the understanding that the Church-the People of God, are central to the realization of God’s purposes in the world, and as His instrument, have the responsibility of presenting Christ to the world through their lives and actions in ways that portray Christ as the only viable option. (Discipleship). It is in this breath that Equipping of Church Leaders (The laity) at the local church level becomes foundational and appropriate vehicle for mobilizing communities in Africa to re ect God’s kingdom values; experiencing church growth, peace, tranquillity and harmony in every village and community in Africa. The core objective is to raise well trained and equipped men and women, both clergy and lay leaders rooted in the theology and practice of Healthy Church across Africa seeking to impact all centres of influence in society.


  1. God is the creator of the universe and that beside him there is none.
  2. The Bible is the inspired word of God through which God’s divine art of creation is revealed.
  3. Humanity sinned against God and therefore in constant need of God’s saving grace.
  4. Jesus Christ is the only way, life and truth through whom all humanity MUST be saved to eternal life.
  5. The Church is the Christ founded movement through which the gospel of salvation MUST be proclaimed to all humanity in the universe.
  6. Church leadership has divine mandate and responsibility to make disciples of all nations translating every believer to Christ’s core workers
  7. Every believer MUST come under Church discipline, restraining from worldly pleasures and any sinful act. 



P.O BOX 12713. 0100 Nairobi, GPO Ngong - Kibiko Booster Road, Kenya.
