Equipping, Empowering, Releasing

Message From The Chairman - Board Of Directors

The Rt. Rev Francis Mboya Matui – Chairman Board Of Directors

I am personally delighted to be the chair of Missions Anglicanes Afrique, a missionary movement committed to the Great Commission championing works of evangelism,
discipleship, church planting and social mission. Since its inception, the movement has rekindled revival in the area of practical evangelism, especially with clear mandate to winning souls and establishing new congregations.

One of our future plans will be hosting of Anglican Global Missions Summit, a mission conference that would gather all missionary minded people and agencies around the world to share stories and celebrate what God is doing through his church. We also anticipate that these conferences will ignite a new spirit and culture of missionary mindedness within the church in Africa. Our first AGMS will be starting 25th to 29th of October 2022 in Nairobi

Support of the Archbishop: On behalf of the Board of Directors Missions Anglicanes Afrique (Anglican Missions Africa), I sincerely express my gratitude to the Archbishop Anglican Church of Kenya The Most Rev. Dr. Jackson Ole Sapit for having positively embraced and
supported AMA this far. His support is an affirmation that the Organization is serving the church to foster missions and growth of the church.
Support of pour international partners: Finally I take this opportunity to thank our International Director Captain Patrick Jhel who has worked hard to ensure that the vision
and programs of AMA are fully supported. It is important to acknowledge that just like in the days of apostle Paul when God raised the likes of Pricilla and Aquila to support
the ministry, that even in our times, God hasn’t stopped calling and raising his people to stand in the gap. God richly bless Brother Patrick and his entire family.


P.O BOX 12713. 0100 Nairobi, GPO Ngong - Kibiko Booster Road, Kenya.
